Imagine expandir seu vocabulário em outro idioma e, de quebra, melhorar sua qualidade de vida e bem-estar. Assim é o crédito “Health”, do Ibeu American High School, oferecido em parceria com a Griggs International Academy.
Os alunos percebem o aprendizado na prática e passam a entender mais sobre as propriedades dos alimentos, o quanto de exercício físico devem fazer, a importância da água para o corpo humano, entre outras importantes questões para sua saúde física e mental.
Passamos a palavra para eles próprios contarem um pouco mais sobre a experiência. E, claro, com o ótimo desenvolvimento no inglês, que acompanhamos de perto. É ou não para nos deixar muito orgulhosos? 🙂
“I didn’t actually think that Health classes would improve my health. They made me think about what I was doing with my life and provoked reflection regarding management of my time and stress. Health classes for high school students are essential, specially because we don’t have them in regular school, besides the English learning as well. But it wasn’t really only the classes and the content, but the teachers and the classmates. Together, we created a big group of mutual help and inspiring ideas, and I think everyone improved a little after the classes and the environment in which we were living. I seriously recommend them, and not only the Health classes, but the whole program. It has changed my life and I love this family!”
Anna Helena Chaim
“When I first joined Ibeu American High School, I knew that I would learn many different things, but Health Classes are more amazing than I thought they would be. I’m honestly not good at Biology, but the lessons are so amazing that it is impossible not to have fun while learning new things. Also, the teacher helps us a lot and makes the time that we are together more enjoyable, so we can learn without frustrations. From another perspective, I would say that having this subject at High School helped me with the subject in school. It is very good to add more knowledge and sharing with my friends. I’m really honored for taking this course that has a lot to add to my academic life, I really think that I made the right choice.”
Giulia Campos
“Health classes really changed my life a lot. I learnt how to deal with my health and how things this worked in my body. Things that seem so simple, but yet I did not feel sure of before I took the subject. We also learnt about myths, how we should really organize what kind of foods we are eating, how we should deal with our mental health and how much we should exercise. We also had a very nice challenge: we had to download an app in which we kept track of how much water we drank, and try to reach a goal. It really changed my life. I still do it, and although I get kind of stressed whenever I have just drunk water and it tells me to drink it again, I think it really changed my health. This course has changed my life, and I was able to learn things that I would never usually learn at school or would not take time to research about.”
Luisa Chambers
No programa Ibeu American High School, os alunos têm o currículo de Ensino Médico Americano, sem precisar sair do país. O curso tem duração total de três anos e é o único curso no Rio de Janeiro reconhecido pela Embaixada Americana. Ao concluí-lo, os alunos terão um diploma americano de High School, o mesmo das escolas dos Estados Unidos.
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