
High School Teachers

Postado em: 16 julho , 2018
High School no Brasil

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Eoin O’Neill has a degree in Social Science from University College Dublin, a Master’s and Doctorate in Sociology from IUPERJ, and a Post-Doctorate in History from UFF.

He has lived in Rio de Janeiro for 25 years where, in addition to teaching, he is an independent researcher working on sixteenth and seventeenth century history,  Gaelic Ireland, and state formation. He has published several articles in Brazil and abroad, and presented papers at various academic congresses. Currently, he is writing a book on the Nine Years War (1594-1603) in Ireland. He also works as a translator, and has translated numerous academic articles, especially for Brazilian history journals, such as Revista Brasileira de Historia, Tempo, and Varia Historia.

Qualifications: B.Sc. Biological Sciences – Zoology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (with an additional component from the University of Oklahoma and an internship at the University of Massachusetts Amherst), a TESOL Certificate from the Arizona State University (in progress) and a course in Content-Language Integrated Learning through the British Council (in progress).

Erick Tristao1 1 High School Teachers

Erick Tristão also teaches English at Ibeu, and English and Academic Writing to master’s and PhD candidates at the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) in Rio. He has designed teaching and learning resources for Ibeu and presented his work and projects at conferences for teachers. Erick is an active member of the Braz-Tesol Rio Chapter and helps to organize teacher-development events in the state of Rio.

In addition to nearly ten years’ experience teaching English, Erick has a background in art history and performing arts through CEFET-RJ, Colégio Pedro II and the University of Oklahoma.

“I am very passionate about teaching, and I rejoice to help my students reach their academic and personal goals.

David Marsland Lopes1 High School TeachersDavid Lopes graduated  with a BSc Honours Degree in Building Surveying from The University of Westminster  and  has been teaching English as a Foreign Language and English for Business   for more than 20 years.

He holds both a  CELTA  and a  LCCI TEB (Teaching English for Business) Certificates and is also a Cambridge and BULATS Examiner.

Hugo1 High School TeachersHugo Dart has been an EFL teacher since 1998, having worked at IBEU since 2010. He holds bachelor’s degrees in Law and in Portuguese/English and a specialization degree in English, and has been trained in CLIL by IBEU and Griggs International Academy. He began specializing in intercultural education during his 2012 course at NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Education), and he is a board member of the Braz-Tesol ILE SIG and of the Braz-Tesol Rio de Janeiro Chapter. His published articles include The Rio-Warsaw Connection: Encouraging Interculturalism among Students (English Teaching Forum, 2015) and Fostering Critical Literacy through the Analysis of World War I Poetry (with Adriana Nogueira Accioly Nóbrega, Humanising Language Teaching, 2017).

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